Let us help you with the basics.
What is your home size? Include all areas and floors to be serviced by your central
vacuum system.
Home Size ___________________________ sq. ft.
Based on your home size, choose your power unit from the three different Power
Unit series indicated on page 30 selection chart.
Power Unit _______________________________
Determine the number of wall inlets you will need. As a quick reference for
estimating, we recommend using the relationship of 600 sq. ft. for each inlet.
Based on the home square footage used above, divide that value by 600.
Always round up for estimating purposes. For example, using a 2,800 sq. ft. home:
Home Size of 2800 ÷ 600 = 4.6, round up to 5 inlets.
Your Home Size ____________ ÷ 600 = _________, round up to _________Inlets
Type of Wall Inlet Selected __________________
Choice considerations:
Based on your interior décor, select the color and style wall inlet most suited for your
needs as shown on pages 22-25.
If you selected a VX550 or VX1000 Series Power unit, we recommend you include
VX™ Series Inlets in your system.
If you selected a VX™ Series Tool Kit or hose we recommend you select your wall
inlet from the choice of inlets shown on page 23.
We strongly recommend including at least one VacPan™ or VacuSweep
for use
in kitchens, pantries, laundry rooms or other locations, which have hard surface
flooring. See page 9 to select the right VacPan™ for you.
VacPan™ or VacuSweep
_____________________Qty ____________________
For determining the amount of tubing and ttings needed:
Typical installations require about 16 ft. of tubing for each Wall Inlet and VacPan™
used. To estimate the amount of tubing required, multiply the # of Inlets
and VacPans™ _____________ X 16 = ___________ ft.
Based on the number of Wall Inlets in your system, select the series kit needed for
your style Wall Inlet as shown on pages 22-25. ____________________________
Congratulations... You have quickly and easily selected
all the basics for your Central Vacuum System!