Backlit, two-line directory features a programmable welcome
message, and easy-to-use, built-in, scroll-through directory
• Two relay output channels can be programmed to control
entry-way door locks or barrier gates
• System boasts a 250 resident capacity, while allowing
access using up to 500 distinct entry codes
AD-500 Apartment Security Entry System
Answering the door is as simple as picking up a telephone.
Operation is Easy.
The unit’s memory is programmed with each resident’s
name and directory code. Visitors use the keypad to scroll
through for the desired resident. Upon entry of the directory
code, the system dials the resident’s phone number to
establish contact. The resident may grant or deny access
by pressing a number on their touchtone™ telephone
keypad. For tenant access, they simply enter their access
code on the AD-500 keypad.
Convenient Programming Options.
Two relay output channels are programmed to control
electric door strikes or magnetic locks. Programming of the
system is made convenient using any of these methods:
• Local programming through the keypad
• Remote programming using a touchtone™ phone
• Remote programming by a computer with a dial-up
modem and an internet web browser
Programming navigation is simple and intuitive.
The AD-500 Telephone Entry/Access Control System is
designed for surface mounting, or order the IRAD-500
Trim Ring Rough-In (sold separately) to recess mount
the AD-500 system.
DR-1 Door Release
electric ‘Wood Door Frame’ door release
is available in your choice of fi nishes: Brass Anodized
(DR-1BA) or Silver Anodized (DR-1SA). Fits into
door frames as shallow as 1-9/16" or faceplate
1-1/4" w x 5-7/8" h.
DR-2-SA Door Release
This electric ‘Metal Door Frame’ door release
comes in a Silver Anodized fi nish. The faceplate
measures 1-1/4" w x 4-7/8" h. Fits into hollow
door frames as deep as 1-5/8".
Note: In new construction with metal doors, order door
equipped with proper electrical release to match door
lockset from door supplier.
Installation Wire: NuTone
twisted-pair 18/2 cable: 500 ft. (S-143-500). For installations where UL listed wire is specifi ed,
add ‘UL’ suffi x to model number when ordering.
**Add suffi x to specify fi nish – “BA” (Brass) or “SA” (Silver).
Apartment Security Entry System Components
Model No. Finish Width Height Depth Projects
(without IRAD-500)
(with IRAD-500)
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel 12-3/4" 14-3/4" 2-7/8" –
301T Transformer - 16VAC, 30VA 2-5/8"
2-3/16" Surface Mount 2-3/4"
Brass or Silver
1-1/4" 5-7/8" 1-9/16" –
Silver Anodized 1-1/4" 4-7/8" 1-5/8" –
AD-500 shown installed in
the IRAD-500 trim ring
Built-in microphone and speaker
Bright, easy-to-read, 12-key telephone style keypad
Rugged 16-gauge brushed stainless steel front panel
The DR-1 and DR-2-SA door releases are
powered by a separate 301-T transformer.