NuTone Ventilation Fans
Heavy Duty/Radiation Dampers
Model CFM Sones Notes
RDA – – Housing four-pack
80RDB 80 2.5 Finishing four-pack
110RDB 110 4.0 Finishing four-pack
HD50RDB 50 1.5 Finishing four-pack
HD80RDB 80 2.5 Finishing four-pack
For heavy-duty ventilation,
NuTone has powerful solutions.
Heavy-duty ventilation fans are
ideal for high-traffic bathrooms
including light commercial
installations and offices where
operation continues throughout the
day. These hard-working, quiet fans
feature sealed, long-life bearings
that never require lubrication.
Durable, enameled metal grilles are
easy to clean and resist breakage.
• Durable, quiet, centrifugal blower wheel
• Totally enclosed motor design
for continuous operation
• Lasts up to three times longer than
residential units
• UL Listed for use over tub or shower
when installed in a GFCI protected
branch circuit
HD80NT and HD50NT Features
Model HD80NT & HD50NT
Model CFM Sones Notes
HD50NT* 50 1.5 Heavy-duty motor
HD80NT 80 2.5 Heavy-duty motor
*Energy Star qualified.
Project Housing Pack includes:
Rough-in housing with attached •
radiation/fire damper
Adjustable hanger bars that span •
up to 24"
4" metal duct connector with damper•
A fire resistant screen automatically
closes when excessive heat is detected. The
breakaway fusible link triggers the closing
of the radiation damper’s fire resistant
screen to prevent smoke and fire from
traveling through the ductwork.
Radiation/Fire Damper Fan Project Packs
Models 80RDB, 110RDB
Project Finish Packs include:
• Assembled motor plate, wheel and
plug-in motor
• Rugged metal grille for added durability
• UL Classified (UL Standard 555C)
for use in 1-, 2-, 3-hour fire-rated
floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling designs
• 165° fusible link
• Galvanized Steel Frame
• Stainless steel negator-type closure spring
• Available as Project Packs