Page 3
Floor Area (ft
0 - 1 2 - 3 4 - 5 6 - 7 > 7
< 1500
30 45 60 75 90
1501 - 3000
45 60 75 90 105
3001 - 4500
60 75 90 105 120
4501 - 6000
75 90 105 120 135
6001 - 7500
90 105 120 135 150
> 7500
105 120 135 150 165
165 +5
150 +4
135 +3
120 +2
105 +1
90 0
75 -1
60 -2
45 -3
30 -4
Push to
turn ON
Push to
turn OFF
Installer, homeowner, or building science expert may adjust
Broan SmartSense
ventilation system level.
Initial Setting of System Level
1. System Level is only set in Master control. If home has
more than one installation then locate Master control;
it is usually in master bathroom or it should be clearly
marked on frame, under decorative plate, or documented
on this instruction sheet.
2. Circle, mark or highlight System Level in Table A using
home’s square footage and number of bedrooms.
Note: Building science experts may calculate different
rate based on air infiltration measurements.
3. Circle, mark or highlight same System Level in Table B.
4. If home’s System Level is 90 then next steps are not
necessary, since control’s System Level is set at factory
to 90.
5. Put Master control in Program mode; press and hold SET
button for 3-seconds and then release it.
6. LED should be turning on and off every second (slow-blink);
if it is not then repeat step 5.
7. Tap (press and release) ON or OFF paddle number of
times from Table B.
8. Exit Program mode; press and release SET button twice.
LED should turn off.
Changing System Level
1. Put Master control in Program mode; press and hold SET
button for 3-seconds and then release it.
2. LED should be turning on and off every second (slow-blink);
if it isn’t then repeat step 1.
3. Press Master control’s paddle ON once and OFF once;
System Level is changed back to factory setting of 90.
4. Tap (press and release) ON or OFF paddle number of
times from Table B.
5. Exit Program mode; press and release SET button twice.
LED should turn off.
Vacation Mode: Used only with Master control. Temporarily
disables Broan SmartSense
system. Master control will not
automatically turn on its fan or any other system fan. After
Program mode exit, Vacation mode is cancelled when Master
control ON paddle is pressed.
Disabled Mode: When Master control is put in Disabled
mode, it will not turn on any fans for automatic ventilation
and recommended indoor air quality ventilation level is not
assured. Manual control fan operation is not affected.
Vacation Mode
1. Put Master control in Program mode; press and hold SET
button for 3-seconds and then release it.
2. LED should be turning on and off every second (slow-blink);
if it is not then repeat step 1.
3. Press Master control’s ON paddle seven times.
LED should turn off and fan turn on. After 1 to 2-seconds
fan turns off.
Vacation mode is maintained after power loss. Vacation mode
is cancelled when Master control’s paddle is pressed ON and
then OFF; System will then resume automatic operation.
Disabled Mode
1. Put Master control in Program mode; press and hold SET
button for 3-seconds and then release it.
2. LED should be turning on and off every second (slow-blink);
if it is not then repeat step 1.
3. Press Master control’s OFF paddle seven times.
4. Exit Program mode; press and release SET button twice.
LED should turn off.
Disabled mode indefinitely keeps Broan SmartSense
system from turning fan(s) on automatically to provide
recommended ventilation for desirable indoor air quality.
Disabled mode is maintained after power loss. Disabled
mode is cancelled when Master control System Level is reset
following instructions in section “Changing System Level.”