I-Fax Troubleshooting
If a communication error occurs, check the service code shown
on the Activity Report.
SMTP Communication
The service code for a SMTP communication is prefixed with the
letter E.
POP3 Communication
The service code for a POP communication is prefixed with the
letter F.
Note: For service codes F001 and F002, the number of pages in
the report will be left blank.
Error Description
0000 Normal Shutdown
9080 Press stop key
E058 Failed SMTP connection
E074 Cable not connected
E081 DNS cannot resolve SMTP server name
E082 No response from SMTP server
E083 Error generated in SMTP command sequence
E108 Transmission attempted when destination was not set
E109 Transmission attempted when mail address of own device not set
E110 Transmission attempted when SMTP server not set
E401 Communication was attempted when the IP address of the device was not
E942 Command timeout
E990 Other error
EF00 Option board I/F error
Error Description
0000 Normal Shutdown
F001 Normal shutdown (only text received)
F002 Normal shutdown (only text received but cannot print)
F059 Failed in POP connection
F074 Cable not connected
F076 DNS cannot resolve POP server name
F077 No response from POP server
F078 Incorrect POP user name/password
F079 Error generated in POP command sequence
F105 Reception attempted when POP server was not set
F106 Reception attempted when POP user name was not set
F107 Reception attempted when POP password was not set
F113 Failed in updating NIC firmware ... firmware before updating remains
F401 IP address not set
F931 Unreceivable email (TIFF NG)
F932 Unreceivable email (other than TIFF NG)
F940 Memory full
F941 When mail does not exist in server upon manual reception
F942 Command timeout
F990 Other error
FF00 Option board I/F error