Technical reference
The following code is a fragment of a C application demonstrating how to use Get
Single mode with the USB TC-08 driver:
// Setting up and converting readings with Get Single mode
usb_tc08_set_mains (handle, 0); // use 50Hz mains noise rejection
for (channel = 0; channel < 9; channel++)
// set each channel up as a type K thermocouple
// channel 0 is the cold junction and will be enabled
// by setting the third argument to anything other than ' '
usb_tc08_set_channel (handle, channel, 'K');
// find out the approximate conversion time
// for a call to usb_tc08_get_single
minimum_interval = usb_tc08_get_minimum_interval_ms (handle);
printf("Conversion time: %d\n", minimum_interval);
// Collect 10 readings over approximately 9 minutes
last_time = GetTickCount();
for (i = 0, i < 10, i++)
// do the conversion for all channels
usb_tc08_get_single( handle,
value_array, // short value_array[9]
0); // degrees Celsius units
// print out the values
printf("\n\nTime: %d minute(s)", i);
for (c = 0; c < 9; c++)
// check for overflows on each channel
// with a bitwise & comparator
// shift the comparison bit to match the channel
if (overflow_flags & (1 << c))
printf("\nChannel %d overflowed", c);
else // no overflow
printf("\nChannel %d: %f", c, value_array[c]);
if (i < 9)
while (60000 > (GetTickCount() - last_time)) // 60000ms = 1 minute
Sleep(100); // let other applications run
last_time = GetTickCount();