A new name can now be given to the
copied program (see below).
To give a program a name
To type in a name for the program, press
"Enter" and a cursor will appear in the
position shown.
Using the keypad, type in the name you
wish to give the program.
The letters will scroll round with
successive presses; for example the “2”
key will give ‘A’ with one press; ‘B’ with
two presses; ‘C’ with three presses and
‘2’ with four presses. Five presses will
again give ‘A’.
When the name is complete, press
There are now two options:
1. Save the program and run it as it
is or
2. Edit the program then save and
run it.
To save the program
A program can only be run once it has
been saved. Press the “End” key.
The prompt line will flash between
'SAVE?' and 'YES or NO'.
Press “Enter” for ‘Yes’ to save the
changes you have made.
If you press “End” for ‘No’ then all
the changes you have made will be lost.
The program is now ready to run and will
be allocated with a unique ‘Speed dial’
number which can be used to rapidly
locate the program from the main start-
up screen.
“Up Arrow” or “Down Arrow” keys
to scroll through the remaining list of