
General Description
1.1 Introduction
The OS530E/OS520E series Handheld Infrared (IR) Thermometers
provide non-contact temperature measurements up to 4500°F. They
offer effective solutions for many non-contact temperature
applications, including the following:
Predictive Maintenance: Tracking temperature shifts which
indicate pending failure in solenoid valves.
Energy Auditing: Locating wall insulation voids to reduce
building heating costs.
Food Processing: Taking accurate temperature readings without
direct contact with the food or packaging material.
The IR thermometer provides information at a glance — the custom
backlit dual digital LCD displays both current and minimum,
maximum, average or differential temperatures. This versatile
instrument provides:
Measurable target distances from 5 inches to approximately 100
Emissivity adjustable from 0.1 to 1.00 in 0.01 steps provides ease
of use when measuring a variety of surfaces.
Built-in Laser sighting in Circle & Dot configurations.
Thermocouple input available.
Distance Measurement available, either field mountable or built-
An electronic trigger lock feature set via the keypad allows
continuous temperature measurement up to 10 times per second.
Audible and visual alarms. The high and low alarm points
are set via the keypad.
1 mV per degree (°F or °C) analog output, which allows
interfacing with data acquisition equipment (including
chart recorders, dataloggers and computers). OS524E provides 0.5
Last temperature recall (Hold).
Backlit display useful in low ambient light conditions.
Powers from 4 AA size batteries or an ac adapter.
RS232 serial communication to a PC or printer with data logging
software. This allows downloading data for further analysis.
Ambient target temperature compensation. This provides more
accuracy for measuring low emissivity targets.
Record up to 800 temperature data points. Review the recorded
data on the thermometer LCD, as well as downloading the data
to a PC.