The cycle time is the total of all these calculations.
1.6 ms + 0.75 ms + 34.50 ms = 36.85 ms
If a peripheral device had been present it would have been:
1.6 ms + 0.75 ms + 34.50 ms + 1.50 ms = 38.35 ms
Process Formula Peripheral device servicing (ms)
With Without
1. Overseeing
2. Input/output refreshing
3. Peripheral device servicing
4. Instruction execution
0.29 + 0.07 * (1–1)
((1) + (2) + (4)) * 0.05 = 1.8 >1
30 * 1150
Total (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) 38.35 36.85
6-4 Instruction Execution Times
This following table lists the execution times for all instructions that are avail-
able for the K-types. The maximum and minimum execution times and the
conditions which cause them are given where relevant.
Execution times for most instructions depend on whether they are executed
with an ON or an OFF execution condition. The OFF execution time for an
instruction can also vary depending on the circumstances, i.e., whether it is
in an interlocked program section and the execution condition for IL is OFF,
whether it is between JMP(04) 00 and JME(05) 00 and the execution condi-
tion for JMP(04) 00 is OFF, or whether it is reset by an OFF execution condi-
tion. “R,” “IL,” and “JMP” are used to indicate these three times.
Execution times are expressed in microseconds except where noted.
Instruction Execution
--- LD 12 Always
LD NOT 12 Always
AND 11.5 Always
AND NOT 11.5 Always
OR 11.5 Always
OR NOT 11.5 Always
AND LD 4 Always
OR LD 4 Always
OUT 17 When outputting logical “1” (ON)
17.5 When outputting logical “0” (OFF)
OUT NOT 19 When outputting logical “1” (ON)
17.5 When outputting logical “0” (OFF)
TIM 95 When timing
95.5 to 186.5 When reset
CNT 80.5 When counting
91.5 TO 184 When reset
00 NOP 2 Always
01 END — Refer to Cycle Time Calculation Example.
02 IL 2.5 Always
03 ILC 3 Always
04 JMP 94 Always
05 JME 38 Always
08 STEP 60 to 127 Always
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-4