5 to 15 cm
(2 to 6 inches)
Buttons that cannot be programmed.
Programming the commands of remote
controllers for other devices into the
remote controller
When programming the commands of another remote
controller to the RC-484M remote controller, you must first
decide under which MODE button you want the commands to
be linked. In general, you will select the MODE button that
corresponds to the component you are programming.
After programming which MODE button to use, you will then
transfer the separate commands from the other remote
controller over to the RC-484M remote controller one at a
time. Each command is then programmed to a different button
on the RC-484M remote controller. Any button is
programmable for this step except for the six MODE buttons
Even after the commands have been memorized, keep your
old remote controller in a safe place. If for some reason the
commands are lost (e.g., when the batteries run down), it will
be necessary to memorize them once again.
Place the remote controller and the
remote controller for the other
device facing each other at a
distance of 5 to 15 cm (2 to 6
inches) apart.
While pressing and holding down
the desired MODE button on the
remote controller, press the ENTER
button and then release both
When you press and hold down the MODE
button, the SEND/LEARN indicator lights.
When you press the ENTER button, the
lamp turns off. When you release the
buttons, the lamp lights again.
Press and release the button on the
remote controller to which you want
to transfer the next command.
You may select any button but the eight
ones indicated in the figure below. When
you press the button, the SEND/LEARN
indicator turns off. When you release the
button, the indicator lights again.
If you press the wrong button by mistake,
press that same button again. The SEND/
LEARN indicator flashes twice, and the
remote controller exits the programming