• RF receiver for use with the Onkyo RF capable remote
control • The RF receiver allows your RF remote to
control your devices by radio frequency • Up to 16 units
in one system • Integrated IR-blaster • 4 outputs for IR-
emitters • Range up to 30 m • 4 selectable channels •
Easy installation • For top mounting and stand alone
(available only in selected countries)
RF Receiver for TX-NR5000E
3 Significant Benefits
You Get from WRAT
Benefit 1: Uncommonly
Low Negative-Feedback
Design—so you’ll enjoy
cleaner sound on
programme peaks
Although NFB (negative
feedback) is the most cost-
effective way to reduce noise
at lower frequencies, there’s a
sonic price to pay: larger
amounts of NFB severely
inhibit an amplifier’s transient response—the ability to respond to large
signal gains (e.g. explosions and musical finales)—and actually distort
sound at high frequencies. That’s why our engineers use a low negative-
feedback design, with audiophile-grade, close-tolerance components at
critical points in the signal path, to achieve a frequency response out to
100 kHz. That means you can fully enjoy the sonic benefits from such
high-resolution formats as DVD-Audio and Super Audio CD as well as
your regular CDs and DVDs.
Benefit 2: Closed Ground-
Loop Circuits—so you’ll
enjoy greater maximum
volume without distortion
If an amplifier’s ground
potential (voltage) fluctuates
during playback of movie
soundtracks or musical
performances, you wind up
with unpleasant noise. In an
open-loop circuit design, all
circuits are connected to the
power supply via one loop. If
all circuits share the same loop
(like on many amplifiers), the noise multiplies exponentially. Onkyo’s
sophisticated closed-circuit design allows each circuit to go and return
directly to the power supply. This cancels any individual circuit noise, and
keeps the ground potential free of distortion.
Benefit 3: High Instantaneous-Current
Capability—so you’ll enjoy film
soundtracks with greater impact
Audio signals are very complex. After the
amplifier outputs such signals to a speaker, the
speaker itself accumulates energy. When the
speaker reflexes, it sends energy back to the
amplifier. The amplifier must immediately be
able to supply a large amount of high current to
cancel the speaker’s reflex energy, and
instantaneously send out the next signal. The
same high current is also necessary to handle
speaker impedance fluctuations, which on
occasion force an amplifier to provide four to six times its usual current
load. The instantaneous current capability of even Onkyo’s least
expensive WRAT receivers is far better than that of most conventional
units. This is because competing designs commonly have less than half
the current capability. The result? The high-current capability incorporated
into all Onkyo receivers means your receiver can deliver movie
soundtracks with theatre-like dynamics and clarity—so you’ll get the same
exciting sonic slam that you experienced in the cinema.
What is Net-Tune™?
Do you have MP3, WAV, or WMA files on your computer? Add new life to
this existing content and enjoy it in surround sound glory. With one of
Onkyo's exclusive line of home network receivers connected to your
computer via a broadband router, you can easily access all your
computer’s music files. Simply download Net-Tune™ to your PC and,
through the Net-Tune™ Central application, you’re ready to truly fill your
room with music. If you’ve already upgraded to a broadband Internet
connection, then there are even more possibilities for you. Have the urge
to hear pop music from Japan or the latest songs soaring up the
American charts? How does instant access to radio stations around the
world sound to you? Well, it’s possible through the mini-revolution in the
music world called Internet radio. The process is simple. Hook up your
home network receiver to a router connected to your broadband modem
via a high-speed Ethernet cable. Press the Net Audio button on the front
of your receiver and you’ll be welcomed to a world of music in your home
through Internet radio.
Net-Tune™ Central
Your media distribution software. Up to now, you
may have looked upon your PC as a means of
sending e-mail, making spreadsheets and
playing the occasional game, but when it came to music, the sound was
second best. Now Onkyo can add astounding depth to your hard drive’s
MP3, WAV or WMA music files. Simply download Net-Tune™ Central to
your PC and your music files will be liberated from the limitations of your
computer’s speakers. Hook your PC up to a router and then connect your
home network receiver for fast and easy access to your computer’s music
files. Now you have transformed your computer into a music server ready
to deliver sparkling surround sound.
Internet Radio
Perhaps you’ve been wondering how your kids
are getting radio reception from Asia. Or how your
flatmate always seems to find those great stations
you can’t find on the radio. What’s the secret? It’s not coming from your
local FM/AM tuner. It’s coming from the Internet. Even if you’re an old pro
at surfing the airwaves of cyberspace, the benefits of Internet radio will
continue to amaze you. No longer are you limited to local access. Now
you have the freedom of the kind of music you want to hear when you
want to hear it. The drawback? Until now this has been limited to the
audio playback capability of your computer and its speakers. We’re sure
you’ll agree with us when we say your music deserves more.
2006-2007Home Theater Components