
3.3. Additional functions
Moon phase display
The moon phase is displayed with the following symbols:
Wiz Kid
The Wiz Kid is an animated figure that indicates several weather factors at the
same time:
Outdoor temperature (combi-sensor only)
- The clothing worn depends on the outdoor temperature on the combi-sensor.
- If the forecast function has predicted rainy weather, the figure carries a furled
- If rain is beginning, the figure carries an open umbrella.
Wind speed
- At wind speeds in excess of 12,4 mph (moderate wind) the Wiz Kid`s hair appears
to be wind blown. If the temperature is less than 57,2 ˚F at the same time, the
scarf that he now wears will also wave in the wind.
Weather forecast
- The weather forecast symbols at the top of the display indicate the following
· Clouds with rain Rainy
· Clouds Cloudy
· Clouds with sun Fine
· Sun Sunny
Other display options
Wind symbol display (wind sock)
- The wind sock symbol in the "WIND" display field allows you to see at a glance
whether the wind is light, moderate or strong:
· Wind sock hanging down Light wind (< 6,2 mph)
· Wind sock half raised Moderate wind (6,2...12,4 mph)
· Wind sock horizontal Strong wind (> 12,4mph)
Waning New moon WaxingFull moon