
Ambient operating
temperature: –10 °C to +50 °C {14°F to 122°F}
Ambient operating humidity: Less than 90 %
Dimensions: WV-CL930: 70 (W) x 65 (H) x 151 (D) mm
{2-3/4" (W) x 2-9/16" (H) x 5-15/16" (D)}
(Connectors and terminals excluded)
WV-CL934: 70 (W) x 65 (H) x 151 (D) mm
{2-3/4" (W) x 2-9/16" (H) x 5-15/16" (D)}
(Connectors and terminals excluded)
Weight: WV-CL930: 570 g {1.26 lbs} (Power cord excluded)
WV-CL934: 560 g {1.24 lbs}
Finish: Black (Munsell 5.0 PB/2.9/0.3 or equivalent)
Gray (Munsell 4.4 G/4.0/0.1 or equivalent)
Weights ad dimensions indicated are approximate.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Standard Accessories
Operating Instructions (this book).................. 1 pc.
Warranty card ................................................ 1 pc.
The following is for installation.
Power cord (WV-CL930 only) ........................ 1 pc.
ALC connector .............................................. 1 pc.
C-mount adaptor ........................................... 1 pc.