COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units
4-34 March 1999 3610-A2-GB41-60
• Case 5 – Aggregate switched backup for MCMP
circuits. An MCMP circuit can be backed up using
the aggregate switch capability of the DSU. In
Figure 4-27, the control DSU should be configured
so that AggrSwitch (Aggregate Switch) is enabled
and AgSw Timing (Aggregate Switch Timing) is
set to the appropriate timing source to be used
during dial backup. The Bridge is configured so
Brdg Timing (Bridge Timing) is set to Ext for
Port 1. The DBM-Ss are configured so that
TxClkSource (Transmit Clock Source) is set to
DDS. In addition, the DBM-S connected to the
aggregate switch port must have Diag Type
(Diagnostic Type) set to None or Disr.
To establish a partial backup, command the control
DBMs to call the remote DBMs using the Dial command,
followed by the sf command from the 6800 Series NMS
or →Dial command from the DCP. DSU timing is taken
from the DDS network.
To establish a full backup, send an sf command from
the 6800 Series NMS or →Dial command from the DCP
to the control DSU. The DSU disconnects from the DDS
line and derives its timing from the source specified in the
AgSw Timing configuration option.
The 6700 Series NMS provides two choices from the
Dial Standby status: Return to Lease or Return to Dial.
During full backup switching (for
aggregate versions only),
commands are routed over the
aggregate port to the remote
DSU or DBM. Only two tests are
available to test the DDS facility,
Digital Test (DT) and Bit Error
Rate Test (BERT).
Figure 4-27. Aggregate Switched Backup for MCMP Circuit Configuration