
Modem Installation
To install the 3811Plus modem (carrier card) into the COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier, follow the same
installation procedures described in the 3811Plus Modem Installation section of Document No. 3980-A2-GB30.
For correct power, DTE, dial, and leased-line cabling procedures, refer to the COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier,
Installation Manual, Document No. 3000-A2-GA31.
Note that the 3811Plus modem supports the following features:
Carrier assembly
3000-B1-301 – COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier with 230 volt power transformer unit
3000-B1-701 – COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier with 200 volt power transformer unit (Hong Kong)
Network Interface Modules (NIMs)
3000-F1-003 – RJ21X NIM without the Make Busy and Service Line feature
Configuration Options
This section lists functions and configuration options that are unique to the operation of 3800Plus modems
installed in the United Kingdom. The information described in this section differs from what is listed in
Document No. 3980-A2-GB30.
Please note that if a function or configuration option is not listed in this supplement, then your modem’s
functionality and operation follow what is described in Document No. 3980-A2-GB30.
Control Branch — Make Busy/Remove Make Busy Function
The Make Busy function, described in Document No. 3980-A2-GB30, is not offered in the 3810Plus or 3811Plus
modems (3980-A2-404 and 3981-B1-004) for the United Kingdom. If this function is selected from the diagnostic
control panel (DCP), the message Invalid Command appears.
Control Branch — Service Line/Disconnect Service Line Function
The Service Line function, described in Document No. 3980-A2-GB30, is not offered in the 3811Plus modem
(3981-B1-004) for the United Kingdom. If this function is selected from the DCP, the message Invalid
Command appears.
Configuration Tables
Tables 3, 4 and 5 describe configuration options that are different for 3800Plus modems installed in the
United Kingdom.