Configure Branch
9-313810-A2-GB30-20 November 1996
Table 9-5
(3 of 5)
Leased Line Configuration Options
BdLn Auto Orig: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable FastBackup 2_min 5_min 10_min
Bad Lines Auto Originate. Allows the modem to dial the number stored in directory location 1 to restore communications
with the remote modem when the leased lines fail.
This configuration option must be enabled in both the local and remote modem. The Answer mode modem must have its
Auto-Answer Ring Number configuration option enabled. Refer to the Line Dialer configuration option group for
information regarding Auto-Answer.
Disable – The modem will not perform a Bad Lines Auto Originate.
Enable – The modem will originate a call after 30 seconds of continuous bad-line conditions.
FastBackup – The modem will originate a call after 20 seconds of continuous bad-line conditions.
2_min – The modem will originate a call after 2 minutes of continuous bad-line conditions.
5_min – The modem will originate a call after 5 minutes of continuous bad-line conditions.
10_min – The modem will originate a call after 10 minutes of continuous bad-line conditions.
This configuration option is not available on the Model 3820.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command is S-register S46 =
S46 = 0 Disable
S46 = 1 30 Seconds
S46 = 2 20 Seconds
S46 = 3 60 Seconds
S46 = 4 90 Seconds
S46 = 5 120 Seconds
S46 = 21 600 Seconds
Note that the effect of S46 = 2 is out of sequence with the other values.