
November 1996
Table 1
(3 of 3)
V.42/MNP/Buffer Configuration Options for SDC
TXBuffDiscDelay: 10sec
Nxt 10sec Disable 60sec
This configuration option only appears when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async, and Error Control Mode
configured for DirectMode, or when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Sync and Sync Comp Mode is
configured for DirectMode.
Transmit Buffer Disconnect Delay. Determines how long the modem continues to transmit data stored in its Transmit
buffer when the modem is commanded to disconnect by a locally attached DTE.
Disable – Modem disconnects immediately without attempting to send data stored in its buffer.
10, 60 sec – Maximum amount of time the modem tries to empty its buffer before disconnecting. In both cases (10 sec
and 60 sec), the modem disconnects much sooner if it can empty its buffer.
The AT command for TXBuffDiscDelay is S49=
RXBuffDiscDelay: 10sec
Nxt 10sec Disable 60sec
This configuration option only appears when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async, and Error Control Mode
configured for DirectMode, or when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Sync and Sync Comp Mode is
configured for DirectMode.
Receive Buffer Disconnect Delay. Determines how long the modem continues to send to the DTE data stored in its
Receive buffer when the modem is commanded to disconnect by a locally attached DTE, or detects a line disconnect.
Disable – Modem disconnects immediately without attempting to send data stored in its buffer.
10, 60 sec – Maximum amount of time the modem tries to empty its buffer before disconnecting. In both cases (10 sec
and 60 sec), the modem disconnects much sooner if it can empty its buffer.
The AT command for RXBuffDiscDelay is S39=
Max Frame Size: 256
Nxt 256 192 128 64 32 16
This configuration option only appears when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async, and Error Control Mode
configured for BufferMode or DirectMode, or when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Sync and Sync
Comp Mode is
configured for DirectMode.
Maximum Frame Size. Sets the maximum frame size for V.42 and MNP. For MNP operation, 64 is the minimum value.
Any value less than that will automatically default to 64. For cellular applications, at least one of the sides should be set to
a low value. A setting of 32 is recommended. Only one modem needs this setting; both modems will automatically default
to the greatest common value.
The AT Command for Max Frame Size is \A
CellularEnhance: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable
This configuration option only appears when Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async, and Error Control Mode
is configured for V42/MNPorBfr, V42MNPorDsc, LAPM_or_Disc, or LAPM_or Bfr, or when Async/Sync Mode is
configured for Sync and Sync Comp Mode is
configured for DirectMode.
Cellular Enhancement. When enabled, the modem uses non-standard techniques to enhance V.42 operation for cellular
applications. It is still compatible, however, with modems which do not have the cellular enhancement implemented or
The AT command for CellularEnhance is S91=