Hotwire 5216 Remote Termination Unit (RTU)
Customer Premises
Installation Instructions
Document Number 5216-A2-GN10-10
February 1998
Before You Begin
An optional POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) splitter is available for the 5216 RTU.
When a POTS splitter is installed, the telephone and 5216 RADSL (Rate Adaptive
Digital Subscriber Line) RTU can function at the same time over the same pair of
copper wires. In order to confirm the RTU installation, the POTS splitter should be
installed first.
To install a POTS splitter, refer to the appropriate POTS splitter document:
Document Number Document Title
Hotwire 5030 POTS Splitter Customer Premises
Installation Instructions
Hotwire 5034 Indoor POTS Splitter Customer Premises
Installation Instructions
Hotwire 5038 Distibuted POTS Splitter Customer Premises
Installation Instructions
Contact your sales or service representative to order additional product documentation.
Paradyne documents are also available on the World Wide Web at:
Service & Support
Technical Manuals
Wiring and Cables Needed
The following wiring and standard connectors are used with this product:
New or existing unshielded twisted-pair wiring (CAT3 or better). The CAT3 wiring
must meet EIA/TIA-568 specifications with 24 AWG (.5 mm) or 26 AWG (.4 mm).
Standard RJ11 wall jack.
Standard Ethernet crossover cable with an 8-pin, non-keyed modular plug for a PC
or workstation. Refer to
Installing the RTU,
page 9, for Ethernet cable details.