8620-A2-GN20-40 July 2003 1-1
The Hotwire 8620 GranDSLAM
The Hotwire
8620 GranDSLAM
, which is designed to be installed in an Internet
Service Provider (ISP) or Network Access Provider (NAP) location, is a
low-startup-cost alternative chassis to the Hotwire 8820 GranDSLAM chassis. The
8620 GranDSLAM can also be placed in a Remote Terminal (RT) adjacent to the
Telco’s Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) systems. It provides high-speed Internet or
intranet access.
The System Interface Module (SIM) is shipped with the chassis already installed in
the bottom slot. The SIM provides user interface connections on the front of the
An Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) backplane provides ATM aggregation
across multiple DSL port cards.
With Release 3.0 of the GranDSLAM, there are two configurations:
n SCM-based. A Management Control Processor (MCP) card is installed in
Slot 1 for management of the DSL cards. A Shelf Concentration Module
(SCM), installed in Slot A, provides aggregation of DSL traffic for the chassis.
The chassis supports up to two DSL cards and 48 ports.
n SCP-card-based. A Shelf Concentration and Processing (SCP) card is
installed in Slot A to provide the management functions of the MCP and the
aggregation functions of the SCM. The chassis supports up to three DSL
cards and 72 ports.
The SCP card supports Models 8955, 8965, and 8985 ATM line cards. With an
MCP installed, legacy TDM cards (Models 8775, 8777, 8779, and 8799) are
also supported.
The following illustration shows a high-level view of a typical Hotwire configuration.