1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
DSX Traps
dsx1LineStatusChange "The dsx1LineStatus has changed on a dsx1 interface."
ATM-M4 Traps
atmfM4IfAisAlarm "AIS alarm detected."
atmfM4IfLcdAlarm "Loss of Cell delineation detected."
atmfM4IfLosAlarm "Loss of Signal detected."
atmfM4IfLofAlarm "Loss of Frame detected."
atmfM4VclXConnCreated "VCL cross-connection has just been created."
atmfM4VclXConnDeleted "VCL cross-connection has just been deleted."
atmfM4VclXConnChanged "VCL cross-connection has just been changed."
atmfM4HwFanFailAlarm "Fan alarm - [up/down]."
Entity MIB Traps:
entConfigChange "Entity configuration changed."
hdsl2ShdslLoopAttenCrossing " Loop attenuation threshold has been reached/exceeded for the SHDSL segment
hdsl2ShdslSNRMarginCrossing " SNR margin threshold has been reached/exceeded for the SHDSL segment
hdsl2ShdslPerfESThresh "Errored Seconds (ES) threshold has been reached/exceeded for the SHDSL
segment endpoint."
hdsl2ShdslPerfSESThresh "Severely Errored Seconds (SES) threshold has been reached/exceeded for the
SHDSL segment endpoint."
hdsl2ShdslPerfCRCanomaliesThresh "CRC anomalies threshold has been reached/exceeded for the SHDSL segment
hdsl2ShdslPerfLOSWSThresh "LOSW seconds threshold has been reached/exceeded for the SHDSL segment
hdsl2ShdslPerfUASThresh "Unavailable seconds threshold has been reached/exceeded for the SHDSL segment
hdsl2ShdslSpanInvalidNumRepeaters "Mismatch has been detected between the number of repeater/regenerator units
configured for a SHDSL line and the actual number of repeater/.regenerator
discovered via the EOC."
hdsl2ShdslLoopbackFailure "Endpoint loopback command failed for an SHDSL segment."
hdsl2ShdslpowerBackoff "Power Backoff status has changed for this Endpoint."
hdsl2ShdsldeviceFault "Device Failure status has changed for this Endpoint."
hhdsl2ShdsldcContinuityFault "dc Continuity Fault status has changed for this Endpoint."
hdsl2ShdslconfigInitFailure "Config Init Failure status has changed for this Endpoint."
hdsl2ShdslprotocolInitFailure "Protocol Init Failure status has changed for this Endpoint."
Table 1-98. devLastTrapString (2 of 4)
Trap devLastTrapString