User Interfaces DMD15/DMD15L IBS/IDR Satellite Modem
4-94 TM051 – Rev. 5.8
TPC Deinterleaver
0=Disable, 1=Enable
Opcode: <2A01h> Command a demodulator’s frequency
<4> Frequency Selects the IF frequency in Hz. The range is 50 MHz to 180
MHz for the 70/140 MHz type modems and 950 MHz to 1750
MHz for the L-Band Modems.
Opcode: <2A02h> Command a demodulator’s data rate
<4> Data Rate Binary value, 1 bps steps
Opcode: <2A03h> Command a demodulator’s strap code
<2> Strap Code Binary value
Opcode: <2A04h> Command a demodulator’s sweep boundary
<1> Sweep Boundary Sweep limits. Max of 32 kHz in kHz steps 1 - 32
Opcode: <2A05h> Command a demodulator’s sweep delay
<2> Sweep Delay Binary value decimal implied, 0.1 second steps 0.1 – 900.0
Opcode: <2A07h> Command a demodulator’s demodulation type
<1> Demodulation Type 0 = QPSK, 1 = BPSK, 2 = 8PSK, 3 = 16QAM, 4 = OQPSK
Opcode: <2A08h> Command a demodulator’s convolutional decoder
<1> Convolutional
0 = None, 1 = Viterbi 1/2 Rate, 2 = Viterbi 2/3 Rate, 3 = Viterbi
3/4 Rate, 4 = Viterbi 5/6 Rate, 5 = Viterbi 7/8 Rate, 6 = Viterbi
8/9 Rate, 7 = Sequential 1/2 Rate, 8 = Sequential 2/3 Rate, 9 =
Sequential 3/4 Rate, 10 = Sequential 5/6 Rate, 11 = Sequential
7/8 Rate, 12 = Sequential 8/9 Rate, 13 = Trellis 1/2 Rate, 14 =
Trellis 2/3 Rate, 15 = Trellis 3/4 Rate, 16 = Trellis 5/6 Rate, 17
= Trellis 7/8 Rate, 18 = Trellis 8/9 Rate, 19 = SEQ 3/4 Rate, 20
= TPC .793 2D, 21 = TPC .495 3D, 22 = TPC .325 3D
Opcode: <2A09h> Command a demodulator’s differential decoder
<1> Differential Decoder 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = EF Mode*
*Available in uncoded QPSK modulation for compatibility.
Opcode: <2A0Ah> Command a demodulator’s Reed Solomon
<1> Reed Solomon 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
Opcode: <2A0Bh> Command a demodulator’s mode
<1> Mode 0 = Closed Net. 1 = IDR, 2 = IBS, 3 = D&I
Opcode: <2A0Ch> Command a demodulator’s filter mask
<1> Filter Mask 0 = INTELSAT, 1 = EUTELSAT, 2 = CLOSED NET1
Opcode: <2A0Dh> Command a demodulator’s descrambler control
<1> Descrambler Control 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
Opcode: <2A0Eh> Command a demodulator’s descrambler type
<1> Descrambler Type 0 = None, 1 = IBS Scrm., 2 = V35_IESS, 3 = V35_CCITT, 4 =
V35_EFDATA, 5 = V35_FAIRCHILD, 6 = OM73, 7 = RS
Descrambler, 8 = V.35 EF RS Descrambler, 9 = TPC