6. Security
May 2002 8700-A2-GB20-40
3. Create the login by entering the following fields. Login IDs and passwords are
Assign at least one Administrator-level Login ID. Full access is necessary
to make configuration option changes and administer logins.
4. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the function keys area below the dotted line. Select
ave and press Enter.
5. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area below the dotted line.
Select S
ave and press Enter.
6. When Save is complete,
Command Complete
appears at the bottom of the
7. If additional logins are required, repeat Steps 3 through 5.
8. When all logins are entered, press Esc to return to the Administer Logins
9. Select S
ave and press Enter.
Deleting a Login
1. To delete a login record, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Administer Logins
2. Select PgUp or PgDn and press Enter to page through login pages/records
until you find the one to be deleted.
3. Once the correct record is displayed, select Del
ete and press Enter.
4. To complete the delete action, select S
ave and press Enter.
When the deletion is complete,
Command Complete
appears at the bottom
of the screen. The number of login pages/records reflects one less record,
and the record following the deleted record appears.
On the Login Entry
screen, for the . . . Enter . . .
Login ID 1 to 10 ASCII printable characters (hex21 through 7E).
Blanks are not allowed.
Password 1 to 10 ASCII printable characters that can consist of 0–9,
a– z, A–Z, # (pound), . (period), – (dash), and / (slash).
Re-enter Password 1 to 10 ASCII printable characters that can consist of 0–9,
a– z, A–Z, # (pound), . (period), – (dash), and / (slash).
Access Level Administrator, Operator