
WR1500 4-Port Wireless DSL/Cable Router
The Basic Setup of Your WR1500 is
Now Complete
Click Finish to complete and save the wizard setup.
If you are currently using a wireless (LAN) adapter to
access this ParkerVision Router/Wireless Router and
you made changes to the ESSID, then you will need to
make the same change to your wireless (LAN) adapter
after you click the Finish button.
Your WR1500 should now be operational. There
are many additional confi gurations that can be set.
Complete details of how to confi gure these options are
in the manual, on the CD-ROM.
Saving and Restoring Your Configuration
It is important that you now save your confi guration fi le in case you
ever need to reset your WR1500, so you can easily restore your
confi guration settings.
Follow the steps below to save your confi guration.
1. From the Main Menu, choose Maintenance, then Confi guration,
then Backup.
2. You will be presented with the option to save the confi guration
fi le on your computer’s hard drive. It is important that you choose
a location that you will be able to locate later.
3. Logout of the Main Menu.
Note - It is important to always logout when you are fi nished using
the Web Confi guration Utility.