
Parrot 3200 LS-COLOR PLUS
Our hotline is at your disposal. You can contact the hotline by email or
Open from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 6 pm (GMT+1).
Italy : [+39] 02 86 39 14 63
Spain : [+34] 902 404 202
UK : [+44] (0)870 112 5872
Germany : 0900 172 77 68
USA : [+1] (877) 9 Parrot (toll free)
China : [+86] (0)21 6460 1944
Hong Kong: [+852] 2736 1169
France : 01 48 03 60 69
Europe : [+33] 1 48 03 60 69 (Spoken languages : French, English,
Spanish and German).
Check out our website at www.parrot.com for further information.
automatiC anSWer
Enable this mode if you want the Parrot 3200 LS-COLOR PLUS to
automatically answer any incoming calls.
This menu provides information on the version of the built-in software.
You can update the software version of your Parrot 3200 LS-COLOR
PLUS by Bluetooth. Enable this mode before updating. The update is
performed by Bluetooth from a computer equipped with Bluetooth.
Updating provides access to new features and improves compatibility with
the advanced functions on an even wider range of phones.
For further information, visit our website: www.parrot.com.