Frame Relay Network (FRN) Interworking (FRF.5) 61
Model 3096RC G.SHDSL T-DAC Administrators’ Reference Guide 6 • Configuring FR and ATM features
Packet Information screen
Figure 21 shows the packet information that is available for each channel. Note that the direction of the data is
referenced to the ATM link. Thus Tx Data is data that is received on the Frame Relay link and transmitted out
the ATM Link.
Figure 21. Channel Level Packet Information window
FRN configuration options
The Frame Relay Network Interworking functions on the Patton Model 3086FR are defined by CHANNELS
and VPI/VCI. Ports are used to define the lower level Interworking Functions. First a port must be created that
defines such items as the ATM VPI/VCI and the type of mapping that will be used to make the connection.
Once the port is created, channels can be attached to the ports that will allow data channels to pass from the
Frame Relay interface to the ATM interface. Channel configuration variables options include the Frame Relay
DLCI that will be used to communicate with the Frame Relay Network.
Port Level Configuration Options:
Ports are used to define the lower level Interworking Functions. The port configuration defines the following
• VPI—Virtual Path Identifier: ATM side Virtual Path Identifier for the specified connection.
• VCI—Virtual Channel Identifier: ATM side Virtual Channel Identifier for the specified connection
• DE Mapping—The DE Mapping variable is used to determine how the Frame Relay DE field (Discard Eli-
gibility) will be mapped to the ATM CLPI (Cell Loss Priority Indication). This variable is only used in the
Frame Relay to ATM mapping direction. Note that the DE bit from the core Q.922 (Frame Relay) packet
will always be copied unchanged into the FR-SSCS PDU header cell. The following options define how the
DE will be mapped to the ATM CLPI bit:
- Always_zero: All ATM cells will have the CLPI field set to a constant value of 0.
- Always_one: ATM: All ATM cells will have the CLPI field set to a constant value of 1.