Standard Syntax Guidelines
When creating MPCLII packets:
Begin each packet with a start of header ({).
End each packet with an end of header (}).
Define no more than 200 fields in a format. Each p indicates
one field. However, options are not counted as fields.
The field number (0 - 999) must be unique. Monarch
recommends starting at 1, instead of 0.
Do not use a field number more than once per format.
Define all fields in the order you want to image/print them.
Separate all parameters with a Parameter Separator (,).
End each field with a Field Separator ( p ).
Enter all information in CAPITAL letters, except words or
phrases within quotation marks.
Include all parameters for a field unless documented as
Define non-printable text fields before the field to which they
Define options immediately after the field to which they apply.
Multiple options can be used with most fields. Options can be
used in any combination except as noted with each definition.
Keep in mind that proportionally spaced fonts need wider
fields than monospaced fonts. For variable field data, use a
letter "W" to determine the maximum field size.
Do not place a new line (return) or any other non-printing
character within a field definition. However, a carriage return
or line break after each p makes your formats easier to read.
T,1,20,V,30,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p
T,2,10,V,50,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p
Spaces are ignored, except within character strings.
Configuring the Printer