Print Multiple Number of copies of each tag to print as a set
within a batch. A print multiple of one prints
one set of one tag. A print multiple of three
prints three copies of each tag as a set.
If the print multiple is three and the print
quantity is 15, then 15 sets of tags with three
tags per set are printed (45 tags). If the print
multiple is two and the print quantity is four,
then four sets of tags with two tags per set
are printed (8 tags).
The most common application for print
multiple is with incrementing or decrementing
fields. See "Using Print Multiple with Inc/Dec
Fields" for more information.
The print multiple DOES affect the printed
Print Quantity Number of tags or sets of tags printed in a
batch. A print quantity of 30 prints 30 tags
when the print multiple is one.
Set Number of tags to be printed together within a
Setting Batch Options