Bar codes produced using Option 50 may not be scannable. The
additional character gap, narrow space, and wide space
parameters are valid
with Code 39 and Codabar. If these
parameters are specified for any other bar codes, they will be
ignored by the printer.
Do not use Option 50 with UPC or EAN bar
R1. R Field Option Header.
R2. 50 Option
R3. narrow Dot width of the narrow element. Range:
R4. wide Dot width of the wide element. Range:
R5. gap Additional dot space between characters. Enter a value of
. (Code 39 and Codabar only.)
R6. nar_space Additional dot width of the narrow bar code space. (Code 39
and Codabar only). Range:
1- 99
R7. wide_space Additional dot width of the wide bar code space. (Code 39
and Codabar only). Range:
1- 99
R,50,4,8,5,1,1 p
Creates a custom bar code density with a narrow element of 4
dots, a wide element of 8 dots, a gap of 5 dots, and one additional
dot width for the narrow and wide bar code space (if this is a Code
39 or Codabar bar code).
Option 51 (PDF417 Security/Truncation)
You can define a security level and choose whether or not to
truncate a PDF417 bar code. Higher security levels add data to a
bar code, improving scan reliability. Some damaged bar codes
may still be scannable if the security level is high enough. You
can use this option to create standard PDF417 bar codes or use
the truncated option to create a narrower bar code. This option
can appear only once per PDF417 field, in any order, following the
bar code field.
Defining Field Options