
Neck and Truss Rod
Neck and Truss Rod
the middle area of the neck, somewhere around frets --. The distance your string travels to meet
the fret is the bow. Peavey recommends a .mm to . mm (.010" to .00") bow, easily measured and
set with a steel rule. Too much bow leads to buzzing in the middle of the neck because the strings are
too far away from the frets, while too little bow (backbow) causes excessive buzzing on open notes and
notes near the nut.
To make adjustments for neck bow or relief (backbow), adjust the truss rod in 1/-turn increments,
and then recheck. If your neck is backbowed, loosen the truss rod by turning it counterclockwise. If it
has too much bow, tighten the truss rod by turning clockwise. Remember, a little truss rod adjustment
makes a big change in how your bass plays. Improper adjustment may damage your neck and void your
Peavey warranty.