RReemmoottee SSwwiittcchh CCoonnnneeccttoorr ((3355 && 4411))
This 8-pin DIN connector is provided for connection of the Ecoustic PFC 3 footswitch (optional). The
footswitch cable should be connected before the amp is powered up. See the Footswitch section of this
manual for explanation of switch operation.
Note: Adding the optional footswitch allows the user to store 3 presets as well as remotely mute the amplifier.
PPoowweerr AAmmpp IInn ((3366 && 4433))
This 1/4" jack is used to connect a line-level signal source to the power amplifier.
PPrreeaammpp OOuutt ((3377 && 4422))
This 1/4" jacks allows patching to mixing consoles‚ tape recorders‚ etc. Use a shielded cable to patch from
this jack to the input of the device receiving the signal. This patch does not affect the operation of the
amplifier or the signal continuing to the power amp and speakers.
Note: A single button‚ shielded footswitch used in the preamp out jack can be used to mute the amplifier.
LLiinnee OOuutt:: LLooww ZZ ((3388))
An XLR jack is provided to route the balanced signal to mixing/recording consoles.
PPrree//PPoosstt EEQQ SSwwiittcchh ((3399))
Selects either Instrument (Pre EQ) or both the Instrument and Microphone channel (Post EQ) signals and
routes to the Line Out XLR jack (38).
Note: For proper ventilation‚ allow a minimum of 12" of clearance on all sides of the unit.