Peterbilt Motors Company 3- 2
This section includes drawings and charts of the following Peterbilt Models: 389, 386, 384, 367 SFFA, 367 SBFA, 367 HH,
367 FEPTO, 365 SFFA, 365 SBFA, 365 FEPTO, 567 and 579. The Extended Rear Window, Extended Cab and Unibilt
sleepers are also included.
On the pages that follow, detail drawings show particular views of each vehicle; all dimensions are in inches (in). They
illustrate important measurements critical to designing bodies of all types. See the “Contents” at the beginning of the
manual to locate the drawing that you need.
All heights are given from the bottom of the frame rail.
Peterbilt also offers .dxf files and frame layouts of ordered chassis prior to build. Please speak with your local dealership
to request this feature when specifying your chassis.