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Charge the Receiver Collar
The Receiver Collar Charger is designed to plug into a standard
AC wall outlet. The Receiver Collar light will glow red when the
Receiver Charger is properly seated into the Receiver Charge
Jack. The light will turn green when charging is complete. A built
in safety circuit prevents the Receiver Collar from overcharging.
The Receiver Collar will achieve a full charge in 2-3 hours. Each
charge can last up to 3 weeks depending upon frequency of use.
•Do not charge your Receiver Collar every night. Frequent charging can have a
negative effect on the battery. We recommend that the Receiver Collar be used until
the Receiver Indicator Light blinks yellow or red.
To charge the Receiver Collar, lift and slide the Receiver Collar strap away from the
front of the unit (2A). Lift the rubber plug to allow access to the Receiver Charge Jack.
The rubber plug needs to remain attached to the Receiver Collar. Plug the Receiver
Charger into the Receiver Charge Jack on the Receiver Collar. The Receiver Charge
Jack and Receiver Charger are keyed to fit one way. Do not force it in backwards.
Prepare the Receiver Collar
Your Receiver Collar comes with Short Contact Points. Use the
Long Contact Points for pets with long or thick hair. Tighten
the Contact Points using the Contact Point Wrench (3A). Check
tightness weekly.
Turning the Receiver Collar ON
Press and hold the Mode Button continuously for 5 seconds (3B).
The green or yellow or red Receiver Indicator Light will turn ON
for 5 seconds (3C) to indicate battery status, followed by the
red Receiver Indicator Light flashing the Static Correction Level
Turning the Receiver Collar OFF
Press and hold the Mode Button continuously for 5 seconds.
The red Receiver Indicator Light will be ON during this time.
The red Receiver Indicator Light will then turn OFF and all
Receiver Indicator Lights will stay OFF indicating that the unit
is turned OFF.
To extend the time between charging the Receiver Collar,
consider turning OFF the Receiver Collar when it is not in use.
8 1-800-732-2677