Who is Philips?
As a leader in healthcare and consumer lifestyles and
the global leader in lighting,Philips is spearheading
innovative and environmentally progressive solutions
for today’s healthcare facilities.
For a century and counting,Philips has been
the foremost innovator and provider of lighting
technologies,enabling new and more efficient uses
of light that can transform our world both visually
and practically.
We’re proud to be a global leader in sustainability,
too—we strive toward the ideal of meeting the needs
of the present generation without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs.We believe that every entity,from a local clinic
to a national healthcare system,can benefit by being
greener,too.Sustainability contributes to better
everyday care and better long-range planning.
Like you, Philips takes patient needs as the starting
point for healthcare equipment and lighting solutions.
Our longstanding commitment to the mission of
better care means providing flexibility to meet the
specific needs of the user.
The Philips family of products delivers complete
lighting solutions—from components and modules,
to lamps,luminaires,and integrated systems—bringing
you the utmost in quality, simplicity and innovations.
your healt
At Philips Lighting, we work with you to create welcoming,
efficient healthcare spaces that bring you better facility
operations—and better patient experiences.
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