
Electric razor
Specifications Product highlights
Shaving System
Speed-XL shaving heads
Precision Cutting System
Super Lift & Cut® technology: 63 blades
Reflex Action® System
Individually floating heads
Corrosion free heads
Detachable bracket
Powering hinge for flip top bracket
•Silent power
•Vibration free
Hair collecting chamber
Replacement head: HQ9
Power System
Charging time: 1 hour(s)
Shaving time: 18 day(s)
Quick charge
Automatic selection V100-240
Low voltage boat/car charging
Rechargeable Green Li-ion Energy Cells
Electronic Features
Multipurpose chromed display
Battery full indication: Green
Charge indication: Green
Electronic on/off switch
Power LED: Blue
Color: Cast Aluminium
Chromed display
Metal look high tech grip
Charging stand
Travel pouch
Pop-up trimmer
Protection cap
Cleaning brush
•Paper assy
Weight and dimensions
Fusion box
Issue date 2008-05-16
Version: 1.1
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Speed-XL shaving heads
The three shaving tracks offer 50% more shaving surface
for a fast and close shave. *compared to standard rotary
shaving heads
Precision Cutting System
Ultra thin heads with slots to shave the long hairs and
holes to shave even the shortest stubble.
Super Lift & Cut® technology
The dual blade system lifts hairs to cut comfortably below
skin level.