Frequently asked questions107
If you encounter any problem concerning
the product, please contact the Philips
Consumer Care Centre at 0900 84 07
(€ 0.10 per minute).
Can I use UPC Digital TV as soon as 8.
the Digital Cable Receiver is installed?
You can watch television and enjoy the benefi ts
of UPC Digital TV once the Digital Cable
Receiver has been installed and the subscription
of UPC HD TV has been activated. You will
experience enhanced (digital) picture and sound
quality, and have access to a wider selection of
television and radio channels. You can order fi lms
and have instant access to the UPC TV Guide,
an electronic programme guide, at all times.
The Digital Cable Receiver supports special TV
settings, such as parental locking for programmes
which should not be watched by your children.
How does the remote control work?9.
The remote control supplied has been specially
designed to take optimum advantage of the
possibilities offered by UPC Digital TV. It can
also be used to operate your television, video
recorder or DVD player/recorder. More
information on using the remote control and a
detailed explanation of the keys can be found in
the Remote control full overview chapter.
Can I also use the remote control for 10.
my television and other devices?
The remote control can be used to operate
your TV and DVD player/recorder or video
recorder. The remote control is set up by default
to operate the Digital Cable Receiver. To use the
remote control with your TV and DVD player/
recorder or video recorder, the remote control
must fi rst be set up for these devices. After the
remote control has been set up for use with
your TV, it can be used to increase or decrease
the volume of digital TV and radio programmes.
If you do not set up the remote control, you will
only be able to increase or decrease the volume
with the remote control for your television. The
user manual describes how to set up the remote
control for use with other devices.
adversely affect the reception of channels. Please
contact the UPC Customer Service department
at 0900-5008080 (€ 0.10 per minute) available
Monday to Friday 8AM to 9PM and Saturday
from 8AM to 6PM
Have you lost or forgotten your PIN 5.
The default PIN code is “0000” but you have
the option of changing it. It is possible to lose
or forget your PIN code after it has been
changed. To reset your PIN code please contact
Call the UPC Customer Service department
at 0900-5008080 (€ 0.10 per minute) available
Monday to Friday 8AM to 9PM and Saturday
from 8AM to 6PM
I can no longer order any fi lms via the 6.
Digital Cable Receiver.
Your Digital Cable Receiver may not be
connected properly to the wall socket. If you
have directly connected the device to the wall
socket, there may be other causes. If you want
to be certain of the cause you can perform a
diagnosis. Go to channel 999, wait for a few
seconds and then press
. Five different tests
will be carried out. If one of the fi ve tests
should result in ERROR, please contact the UPC
Customer Service department at 0900-5008080
(€ 0.10 per minute) available Monday to Friday
8AM to 9PM and Saturday from 8AM to 6PM
I have completed the installation 7.
procedure and noticed that “150”
channels were found, but am unable to
view them all. What should I do?
The number of channels you can view depends
on your subscription.
Some channels require an additional
subscription. If you are interested, please contact
the UPC Customer Service department at
0900-5008080 (€ 0.10 per minute) available
Monday to Friday 8AM to 9PM and Saturday
from 8AM to 6PM.