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Putting_ Batteries in the Remote Control __
Remove the battery compartment lid on the bottom of the
remote control bypressing the tab, then likingthe lid.
Place two AA batteries inside the battery compartment
with their + and - endsalignedasindicated.
Replace the battery compartment lid.
Using the Remote Control
• Poirit the remote control at the DVD/VCR's remote sensor (see
page26) when using the remote control to operate the
• Do not put objects between the remote control and the
Recycling Guidelines/Battery Safety
Your new product and its packagingcontain materials that can be
recycled and reused.Specializedcompaniescanrecycle your product
to increasethe amount that needsto be properly disposed.
Your product usesbatteries that should not be thrown awaywhen
depleted but should be disposedof assmall chemical waste.Please
find out about the local regulationson disposalof your old product,
batteries,and packagingwhenever you replaceexisting equipment.
The remote control and its batter-
ies are supplied.
Do nat mix alkaline and man-
ganese batteries.
Do not mix old and new batteries.