A Press SYSTEM-MENU on the remote
The system menu appears on the TV.
B Use keys to select { System Menu
- Playback } and press to access its
C Use keys to select the setting you
wish to change and press OK to confirm.
Instructions and explanation of the
options are provided in the following
D To exit, press SYSTEM-MENU.
TV Aspect Ratio
Set the aspect ratio of the DVD recorder
according to the TV type you have
connected. The format you select must
be available on the disc. If it is not, the
setting for TV display will not affect the
picture during playback.
A In ‘System Menu-Playback’, use keys
to select { TV Aspect Ratio } and press
{ 16:9 }
Select this for wide
screen TV
(frame ratio 16:9).
{ 4:3 Letterbox }
Select this for a ‘wide
screen’ display with black
bands on the upper and
lower portions of the TV
{ 4:3 panscan }
Select this for a full-
height picture with
both side trimmed.
B Press to select a setting and press
OK to confirm.
TIPS: The underlined option is the factory default setting.
Press to go back to previous menu item. Press SYSTEM MENU to exit the menu item.
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