◗ Congratulations! Your new Satin Ice Hair
Removal System can remove unwanted hairs
quickly,easily and effectively.The combination
of the proven epilating disc system with the
newly developed skin cooler constitutes a
revolution in epilation.Thanks to the natural
numbing effect of ice on the skin, the new
Satin Ice Epilator makes epilation more
◗ Even short hairs are removed at the root by
the quick rotating discs. Any regrowth of
hairs tends to be softer - minimizing stubble.
Your legs will stay silky smooth and hair-free
for weeks.
◗ To acquaint yourself with how the Satin Ice
Epilator works, be certain to read the
instructions and important information
contained in this booklet before using for the
first time. Satin Ice Epilator with the unique
skin cooler the choice for smooth, silky
results that lasts for weeks!
Before using
◗ Make sure your skin is clean, free from grease
and creams. Do not apply any cream before
using. Hairs are easier to remove after a bath
or shower; but your skin should be
completely dry before using your Satin Ice
Epilator System.
◗ If you are using the appliance for the first
time, it is recommended that you begin at an
area with little hair growth to become
accustomed to using your Satin Ice Epilator.
◗ Only use on dry legs. Do not use
HP6433 on other body areas.
◗ As the hairs are being removed by the root,
your skin may feel a little discomfort after
using the Satin Ice Epilator system for the first
time.This effect will gradually lessen with each
◗ After epilation, regrowth of hairs tends to be
softer both in appearance and in touch.
◗ After each use, you may want to apply a non-
alcohol based mild cream or body lotion
which helps reduce the possibility of skin
Freezing the skin cooler
1 Put the skin cooler without the protective
sleeve in the freezer cassette and put it in
the freezer or freezing compartment for at
least 2 hours before you start epilating.
Make sure the outside of the skin cooler is
completely dry before you freeze it.
◗ Tip: You can store the skin cooler in the
freezer permanently.
Epilating the legs
Make sure your skin is clean and free of grease
and cream. Do not use cream right before you
start epilating.
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