List of Parts
Appendix A Modem Interface Module 165
Programming a
Modem Setup
1. Scan the “Start Modem Setup” barcode.
2. Use the barcodes to enter the setup according to the operating manual of the modem
you are using.
3. Scan “Finish Modem Setup” to enter the modem setup you have just programmed.
4. Check the operation of the setup by using the codes on the Patient Identification
barcode sheet.
Storing a Modem
Setup Sequence
Scan the following barcodes, in the order given below:
1. Start Modem Setup
2. Store Settings
3. Finish Modem Setup
To erase your custom setup, and restore the factory setting, scan Recall Factory Setting of
List of Parts
Troubleshooting and Error Messages
All the standard fetal monitor error messages listed in “Operator Error Messages” on
page 69 remain the same once the modem interface module option has been added. The
additional error messages unique to this option are:
1. Err 70 PCMCIA card modem not responding, accompanied by three tones (displayed
for 10 seconds).
The Modem is either incorrectly installed, faulty or not an approved model.
Description Part Number
Interface Board M1353-69532
Barcode Overlay M1353-44312
Cable Fasteners (x4 at 20cm) 1400-0507
Velcro-Type Strip (20cm) 0570-0634