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281 Hillmount Road
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A Divisionof PhilipsElectronics Ltd.
Philips eW
Profile Powercore
Ordering, Electrical andTechnical Data (Subject to change without notice)
inimum Min.
roduct SAP Alternate Color Nominal Initial Watts @ Lumen
umber Description SAP Description Temp. Length Lumens
teady State Maint.
2157-2 eW PROFILE,11",2700K,120VAC eW PROFILE,11",2700K,120VAC 2700K 11" 150 6.5 50,000 hrs
2161-4 eW PROFILE,21",2700K,120VAC eW PROFILE,21",2700K,120VAC 2700K 21" 275 10.0 50,000 hrs
2162-2 eW PROFILE,41",2700K,120VAC eW PROFILE,41",2700K,120VAC 2700K 41" 524 20.0 50,000 hrs
22163-0 eW PROFILE,11",4000K,120VAC eW PROFILE,11",4000K,120VAC 4000K 11" 180 6.5 50,000 hrs
22166-3 eW PROFILE,21",4000K,120VAC eW PROFILE,21",4000K,120VAC 4000K 21" 325 10.0 50,000 hrs
22168-9 eW PROFILE,41",4000K,120VAC eW PROFILE,41",4000K,120VAC 4000K 41" 648 20.0 50,000 hrs
1) Minimum Lumen Maintenance isthe minimum number ofhours after which the LED light output depreciates to70% of itsinitial output. This value,L
,is tested @25°C ambient temperature. (IES LM-80)
2) 120Vand 277V (all 50/60Hz) @15W steady state.
3) The SSLFixture,Initial Lumens is determined as prescribed in IESNA LM-79,Approved Method for theElectrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products,which specifies lumen measurements
f the fixture be reported after the measurements have stabilized at 25°C.
Ordering and Shipping Data (Subject to change without notice)
KUs SKUs Case Case Case
Product SAP Alternate SKUs Per Per LxDxH Gr.Wt Volume
umber Description SAP Description MOQ Case Pallet (in.) (lb.) (cu.ft.)
22157-2 eW PROFILE,11",2700K,120VAC eW PROFILE,11",2700K,120VAC 1 SKU 25 675 13.2 x 12.7 x 15.9 13.1 1.55
22161-4 eW PROFILE,21",2700K,120VAC eW PROFILE,21",2700K,120VAC 1 SKU 25 300 22.8 x 13.4 x 16.2 27.2 2.87
2162-2 eW PROFILE,41",2700K,120VAC eW PROFILE,41",2700K,120VAC Case 6 120 42.4 x 8.9 x 8.0 12.8 1.75
2163-0 eW PROFILE,11",4000K,120VAC eW PROFILE,11",4000K,120VAC 1 SKU 25 675 13.2 x 12.7 x 15.9 13.1 1.55
2166-3 eW PROFILE,21",4000K,120VAC eW PROFILE,21",4000K,120VAC 1 SKU 25 300 22.8 x 13.4 x 16.2 27.2 2.87
22168-9 eW PROFILE,41",4000K,120VAC eW PROFILE,41",4000K,120VAC Case 6 120 42.4 x 8.9 x 8.0 12.8 1.75
22177-0 eW PROFILE,LDR,10',WHT,US PLG eW PROFILE,LDR,10',WHT, US PLG Case 12 528 13.4 x 10.8 x 11.2 14.6 0.94
22180-4 eW PROFILE,6" JMPR,UL,WHT eW PROFILE,6" JMPR,UL,WHT 8 SKUs 64 2816 13.4 x 10.8 x 11.2 5.7 0.94
2181-2 eW PROFILE,12" JMPR,UL,WHT eW PROFILE,12" JMPR,UL,WHT 8 SKUs 64 2816 13.4 x 10.8 x 11.2 6.8 0.94
2182-0 eW PROFILE,18" JMPR,UL,WHT eW PROFILE,18" JMPR,UL,WHT 8 SKUs 32 1408 13.4 x 10.8 x 11.2 5.7 0.94
2184-6 eW PROFILE,5' JMPR,UL,WHT eW PROFILE,5' JMPR,UL,WHT 8 SKUs 24 1056 13.4 x 10.8 x 11.2 8.4 0.94
22186-1 eW PROFILE,12"Y-JMPR,UL,WHT eW PROFILE,12"Y-JMPR,UL,WHT 8 SKUs 24 1056 13.4 x 10.8 x 11.2 6.4 0.94
22195-2 eW PROFILE,WIRINGCOMPARTMENT eW PROFILE,WIRING COMPARTMENT 8 SKUs 80 4400 13.4 x 9.5 x 4.3 33.1 0.32
22200-0 eW PROFILE,11" MOUNTINGTRACK eW PROFILE,11" MOUNTINGTRACK Case 1 150 10.6 x 9.5 x 4.3 7.5 0.25
22196-0 eW PROFILE,21" MOUNTINGTRACK eW PROFILE,21" MOUNTINGTRACK Case 1 100 19.8 x 9.5 x 4.3 12.1 0.47
22198-6 eW PROFILE,41" MOUNTINGTRACK eW PROFILE,41" MOUNTINGTRACK Case 1 45 43.3 x 7.5 x 4.9 20.3 0.92
22489-9 eW PROFILETRMTRS MULTIPACK 10PC eW PROFILETRMTRS MULTIPACK 10PC 10 SKUs 40 1760 13.4 x 10.8 x 11.2 12.6 0.94
eW Profile Installation
Meets IESNA Standards for Luminance
Category D applications at 40 fc,2700K
• Ideal for nursing stations, hotel bathrooms, merchandising
displays, general kitchen lighting, and checkout counters
Meets IESNA Standards for Luminance
Category E applications at 50 fc,4000K
• Ideal for critical kitchen prep areas, high-activity casino
areas, food service displays, and detailed industrial
processing stations
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