
Set up manual synchronization
1 Start Windows Media Player.
2 Connect the player to your computer using the supplied USB cable.
3 Select Sync tab.
4 In the pull-down menu on the right pane, select Philips PMC7230 as the destination.
Philips PMC7230
If they are not in the list, click F5 to refresh and try again.
Set up automatic synchronization
This is how you can automatically synchronize the playlists in your Windows Media Player with your player. If a playlist is
empty in Windows Media Player then it will be automatically removed from the player.
1 Start Windows Media Player.
2 Connect the player to your computer using the supplied USB cable.
3 Select Sync tab
4 Click Set up Sync.
> Synchronization settings dialog box will be displayed.
5 Select Synchronize device automatically check box.
6 Select the check boxes that correspond to the playlists you want to synchronize.
7 Click OK.
IMPORTANT Do not disconnect your player while transferring is in progress.