Hair clipper
Specifications Product highlights
Power system
• Charging time: 8 hour(s)
• Operating time: 35 minute(s)
• Rechargeable - Cord/Cordless: Cordless
Cutting system
• Lubrication for life: Self-sharpening blades need no
• Self-sharpening stainless steel blades
• Barber set: Includes styling comb, cleaning brush
and scissors
• 2-year worldwide guarantee
Issue date 2008-10-01
Version: 1.0.1
12 NC: 0000 000 00000
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
8 lock-in length settings (1-21 mm)
8 length settings are integrated into one comb for a wide
range of styles (0-21mm).
Additional beard trimming comb
The additional beard trimming comb allows you to trim
your beard with ease. It has 7 lock-in length settings for
your convenience.
Self-sharpening stainless steel blades
Revolutionary self-sharpening stainless steel blades
channel and cut hair for a precise and even trim.