
Configuring the Philips amBX PC Gaming Peripherals
When an icon on the Peripheral Overview glows, a signal is sent to the corresponding hardware.
The Philips amBX™ PC Gaming Peripherals that respond to that signal (by flashing their lights or
starting the fan) are
installed correctly, active and ready to use.
When a Philips amBX™ PC Gaming Peripheral is not responding, refer to the troubleshooting.
Reposition a Philips amBX™ PC Gaming Peripheral
To reposition a peripheral, you use drag-and-drop.
1. Select the
Configuration tab.
The 'Configuration' screen appears.
2. Move the mouse over the icon of the peripheral that you want to reposition.
The icon starts to animate.
Drag-and-drop the icon to the desired place.
Disable a Philips amBX™ PC Gaming Peripheral
1. Select the Configuration tab.
The 'Configuration' screen appears.
2. Open the
Peripheral Settings panel by clicking the icon of the peripheral.
The 'Peripheral Settings' panel appears.
3. Click the
Disable button.
The peripheral is disabled.
4. Click the
OK button to confirm the change.
The 'Peripheral Settings' panel closes and the icon in the Peripheral Overview is grayed out.
Disable button is a toggle button. When you press the button, an action starts and the label of the
button changes, describing the opposite action.
Toggled State 1 Pressed State Toggled State 2
To enable the peripheral, you click the same button in the Peripheral Settings panel that is now labeled
Stop the Philips amBX™ PC Gaming Peripherals Temporarily
When the Philips amBX™ PC Gaming Direct Control window is not open:
1. Right-click the
Direct Control icon in the task bar.
2. Select
Stop from the pop up menu.
The peripherals no longer render the Philips amBX™ effects.
When the Philips amBX™ PC Gaming
Direct Control window is open:
1. Select the
Configuration tab.
The 'Configuration' screen appears.
2. Click the
Stop button in the left pane.
The peripherals no longer render the Philips amBX™ effects.