
A/V switcher
Manual Composite A/V Connections
Specifications Product highlights
Packaging dimensions
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 11.28 x 2.93 inch
Nett weight: 0.48309 lb
Gross weight: 0.6 lb
Tare weight: 0.11691 lb
UPC: 6 09585 15965 5
Number of products included: 1
Packaging type: Blister
Outer Carton
Outer carton (L x W x H): 30.3 x 16.8 x 12.8 inch
Nett weight: 14.4927 lb
Gross weight: 24.25 lb
Tare weight: 9.7573 lb
GTIN: 2 06 09585 15965 9
Number of consumer packagings: 30
Inner Carton
Inner carton (L x W x H): 16.1 x 6 x 11.9 inch
Nett weight: 2.89854 lb
Gross weight: 4.25 lb
Tare weight: 1.35146 lb
GTIN: 1 06 09585 15965 2
Number of consumer packagings: 6
Issue date 2008-09-18
Version: 1.2.3
12 NC: 8670 000 42052
UPC: 6 09585 15965 5
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Color-coded connectors
Color coded connections make it easy to install your cable
into the correct inputs and outputs
S-Video compatible
Allows the use of S-Video connections for improved picture