
Coaxial cable
200 m RG6 Spool
Specifications Product highlights
Inner Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 10895 97436 3
Quantity: 2
Gross weight: 12.36 kg
Tare weight: .70 kg
Net weight: 11.66 kg
Length: 500 mm
Width: 250 mm
Height: 160 mm
Outer Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 10895 97437 0
Quantity: 4
Gross weight: 49.44 kg
Tare weight: 2.80 kg
Net weight: 46.64 kg
Length: 500 mm
Width: 500 mm
Height: 160 mm
Gross weight: 6.18 kg
Tare weight: .35 kg
Net weight: 5.83 kg
Product length: 25 cm
Product dimensions (W x H): 250 x 160 mm
Issue date 2007-12-07
Version: 2.0.4
12 NC: 9082 100 07945
EAN: 87 10895 95930 8
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Quality construction
Quality construction uses only top grade materials to
create products of extended durability.
Heavy-duty pliable jacket
Pliable PVC sheathing surrounds the cable, protecting it
from wear and tear and ensuring lond-term durability.