Complete all wire connections in your Home Theater/Sound system before powering up your
subwoofer or your receiver (amplifier). Be sure to observe proper polarity for all speaker wire connections (+
to +, - to -). Use only speaker wire of 12, 14, or 16 gauge (available from your dealer) to obtain the best
performance. Lightweight speaker wire (20, 22 gauge, etc.) will result in degraded performance; 18 gauge
wire may be used for short runs of about 15 feet or less.
OPTION #1 - Using The Line Input:
To use the subwoofer’s LINE INPUT your receiver must have a dedicated phono (RCA) subwoofer output
jack (sometimes called Sub Out, Low Pass or LFE). If your receiver has this output jack you may connect
your subwoofer via a standard phono cable (the same kind of audio cable used to connect your CD, tape
deck, etc.). This method is generally the easiest to hook-up. Note: Do not connect the subwoofer to the tape
loop outputs from your receiver as they will overdrive the subwoofer’s circuitry!