
Page 33
been recently added to Outlook and have not yet been transferred
to Calisto. Updated Contacts are contacts that have been
recently modified in Outlook and do not exactly match those
previously transferred. Unchanged Contacts are contacts that
are already in the Calisto phonebook and have not been recently
modified. New contacts are automatically marked for transfer to
your Calisto phonebook. Do either of the following:
To mark additional contacts for transfer, click in the column
to the left of the contact name.
To unmark a contact for transfer, click the checkmark in the
column to the left of the contact name.
Tip: To select or deselect marked contacts quickly, press and hold the cursor
in the checkmark column while scrolling through the list of contacts.
Click here to mark or unmark contacts for transfer
“Name in
shows how the
name will be
displayed on the
Calisto handset.
You can edit
the names from
the main screen
(see “Editing an
Outlook contact”
on page 35).
Click Transfer to Phonebook. The Plantronics Phonebook
Editor screen now shows the list of contacts currently in your
Calisto phonebook, including the contacts you just transferred.
Click here
When you are done transferring new and changed contacts, close
the Phonebook Live Editor window. You are given the option to save
this new phonebook to your computer before the application exits.