
Plantronics Savi User Guide 25
Support screen
The support screen provides on-line access to this printable user
guide, frequently asked questions, how to contact Plantronics,
and software upgrade information. The current version of software
and firmware currently running on your system is also shown
All the required software and rmware for your Plantronics device
can be remotely updated if and when updates are available. You
can control how frequently the system will check for available
updates. When updates are available, you can view all pending
updates and decide when to download and install any one of
The particular version of PerSono Suite software and headset/
base firmware running on your system is always reflected in the
VERSIONS fields.
Notify me when updates are available: By enabling this check box,
you will activate a periodic automatic check for available software
and firmware updates.
When this parameter is enabled, automatic check for updates will
be activated and the frequency field will be highlighted allowing
you to choose the frequency of checking for updates, e.g., once
every 3 months, once every month or once every week.
When this parameter is disabled, automatic check for software/
firmware updates is disabled.
Check For Updates: You can choose to check for available
software/firmware updates at any time by clicking on the Check
For Updates button.
Available Updates: Following an automatic or manual check for
updates, this field will be populated with any applicable software
and firmware updates.
Install: It is important to note that automatic checks for updates
does not include automatic download and install. The actual
download and install will only occur when you select at least one
item for the Available Updates list and click on this Install button.