
View Your Recovery Status
l Tap the display in time view
l Go to Status > Recovery status in the main menu
View Your Daily Calories
See how many calories you have burnt through training, activity and BMR (Basal metabolic rate: the minimum
metabolic activity required to maintain life).
l Tap the display twice in time view
l Go to Today's activity in the main menu, and press START in the Activity view.
A more detailed view of your daily activity including activity intensity, active time, inactivity, steps/distance,
calories, and sleep time/index is available in the Flow app and Flow web service.
V800 tracks your activity with an internal 3D accelerometer that records your wrist movements. It analyzes
the frequency, intensity and irregularity of your movements together with your physical information, allowing
you to see how active you are outside your training sessions.
You’ll get a daily activity goal and guidance on how to reach your goal. V800 also reminds you to get up and
move when you’ve been inactive for too long. View the data on your V800 or Polar Flow App.
The daily activity goal you get from Polar V800 is based on the global physical activity recommendations for
moderate and vigorous intensity activities, as well as research findings on the negative health effects that too
much sitting may have on you. The daily activity goal V800 gives you may in fact be slightly more than most
recommendations state. In addition to one hour of moderate intensity activity, also the low intensity activity
plays an important role in fulfilling V800's daily activity goal requirements.
Your daily activity goal is set based on your physical settings and your typical day. If you are an office worker,
for instance, you would be expected to reach about four hours of low intensity activity during an ordinary day.
For people who stand and walk a lot during their working hours, V800 has higher expectations.
V800 gradually fills up an activity bar to indicate your progress towards your daily goal. You can view the
activity bar in Today's activity and, optionally, in time view (change the watch face by pressing and holding