67Chapter 4 Software Update
Updating ViewStation Software
Global Management System User’s Guide
ViewStation Date/Time
Choosing to update your machines by Device Date/Time will update the device at the designated
If you choose to update by this feature, your device must be congured with the correct time
difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). To congure your ViewStation follow the steps
From the ViewStation’s main screen go to
System Info > Admin Setup > LAN/H.323 >
Global Management > Global Management System Setup >
Field Description
Time Difference between Greenwich
Mean Time
-08:00 (if the ViewStation resides in
PST region)
Daylight Savings Time Place check mark in check box (if your
state or country observes Daylight
Savings Time)
Select “Time difference from Global Management System:”, and choose the offset that
corresponds to you local time zone. For example, you would choose -08:00 if your ViewStation
resides in the Pacic Time Zone. Directly beneath is a checkbox for Daylight Savings Time.
Check this box, if your state or country observes Daylight Savings Time.
You can also set the ViewStation time remotely by doing the following
Highlight the system of interest in the System list and click on Manage System
Admin Setup> LAN & H.323 > Global Management >
Field Description
Time Difference between Greenwich
Mean Time
-08:00 (if the ViewStation resides in
PST region)
Daylight Savings Time Place check mark in check box (if your
state or country observes Daylight
Savings Time)